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An Interesting Journey

I started out as a left brainer, valuing logical thinking over everything else and receiving praise for intellectual success. In the university environment, I picked up a BS in Physics with Optics, an MS Electrical Engineering with Signal Processing, and a Project Management Certificate from the University of Washington Extension Program. With these useful pieces of paper in hand, I enjoyed technical roles and the continuous learning they entailed.

Greenlake Park Seattle, WA

by Sacred Eye Photography

Because I also have strong social and communication skills and really like people, I found success in university degree related roles. I was appreciated in the technical realm for work well done and bringing sunshine into the environment with my positive nature. But there were always parts of me that didn’t seem to fit in that technical world. Although these roles paid the bills, the technical work was not fulfilling.

In 2008 I started working with a TM (Transcendental Meditation) teacher in my Systems Engineering role. I was resisting the 'right brained' world and wasn't ready to explore something so new and foreign to me as TM. It took a few years and a very stressful work situation before agreeing to learn TM. This was my introduction into the right brained world, that I'd long sensed but hadn't understood nor valued.


ThetaHealing crossed my path through people I met in TM. Again, it was a 'rough' spot in life that pushed me into having a ThetaHealing session. It easily made changes that relieved tension in life. The beginning classes allowed me to start dropping crippling beliefs. Deep, unconscious beliefs are easier to get to after having taken the advanced classes and done many hundreds of sessions. Life seemed pretty good overall before TM and ThetaHealing. But living in my skin felt SO much better as restrictive and untrue beliefs fell.


At some point I recognized that sharing the experience and skill I'd gained could be helpful. As has been my pattern, resistance showed up first. So it wasn't until I left my technical job in 2014 that I actually started sharing this experience and skill with non-practitioners, in the form of sessions as PNW LightWorks.



​Crystals had always fascinated me and I was learning more about them, including in the ThetaHealing context. Because of their crystalline nature, pure frequencies are easily held in crystals. This allows them to be very helpful in energetic work, which propelled me into experimenting with them and incorporating them into my practice.​


Similar to TM opening the door to ThetaHealing, ThetaHealing opened the door to Reiki for me. A classmate was very experienced in practicing and teaching Reiki. She agreed to teach Reiki with a ThetaHealing twist to a few of us. Even more unhelpful beliefs dropped and helped me understand that the mind doesn't HAVE to know what is being dropped.

Like many people, I’ve gone through several “What is the Meaning of My Life” periods, unwilling to believe that we are purely cells and chemicals made up of atoms, born to learn from our culture, struggle to add value to our communities, and then just pass from this life. Now the recognition is that we are all manifestations of energy and are part of the universal web of consciousness that holds infinite possibilities. We all affect each other - the physical form is only part of our existence. Life makes much more sense from this perspective, and I find the interconnectedness very fulfilling.


ThetaHealing also opened the door to Ishayas' Ascension. Friends were all a-buzz about Ascension, having learned the techniques during the 6 month in-residence Teacher Training being held in Stanwood, WA. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a First Sphere workshop weekend in July 2013 to learn. What a wonderful weekend! I loved the time ascending! But after going back to my patterned life, reluctance to change was still active - I held onto the TM practice rather than jumping fully into the Ascension practice. I remained impressed with the underlying Peace and Openness of the people I met in the Ascension community. Though my Ascension practice flagged, it didn't completely drop. When a week-long Ascension retreat opportunity near home came up in Sept 2014, I found myself arranging to attend.​ Setting aside purposeful activity to really be with the Ascension practice allowed me to recognize the incredible power of this simple and natural set of techniques. Truth of the universe drew me along to other very accessible Ascension events - more retreats in other parts of the country, and the Ascension Teacher Training in Tennessee in 2016.


Being able to spend 6 months really diving into the techniques allowed many more unnecessary beliefs to fall and for consciousness to expand. Ascension incorporates life, rather than trying to push it away. Going inward with phrases based on Praise, Gratitude, and Love for long hours each day balanced with the life of up to 45 people at the training site each day really helped build familiarity with our ever-present True Nature. Gratitude overflows for this set of techniques that has brought me so much relief from suffering; suffering that I didn't even realize I was experiencing. Avoiding uncomfortable situations was taking a lot of energy and I didn't even realize it was happening, until the reasons for the discomfort fell away.


The accelerated growth provided by Ascension allows me to experience the stillness of our True Nature while fully functioning out in the 'real world'. I am able to enjoy life out in the right-brain focused AND left-brain focused arenas of the world with less stress and more joy 😊


Classes that have Helped along the way:

  • ​Ishayas' Ascension teacher: 6 month in-residence training

  • Holy Fire III upgrade webinar (ICRT)

  • Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master (ICRT)

  • Usui / Holy Fire II Reiki Adv/Master (ICRT)

  • Usui Reiki Level I & II (ICRT)

  • ThetaHealing - DNA 3

  • ThetaHealing - Planes of Existence

  • ThetaHealing - Manifesting and Abundance

  • ThetaHealing - Disease & Disorders

  • ThetaHealing - World Relations

  • ThetaHealing - Crystal Layouts

  • ThetaHealing - Intuitive Anatomy

  • ThetaHealing - Advanced DNA

  • ThetaHealing - Basic DNA

  • Foundations of Physics and Consciousness - MUM

  • Transcendental Meditation

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